Charlie Dutton

Charlie holds a Bachelor’s degree in Fine Art and a Master’s Degree in Photography from Central Saint Martins (UAL).
Charlie has worked within the London creative industry for 25 years. He ran his own gallery in Central London, exhibiting over 400 artists, selling work to major public and private collectors and held the prestigious Crash Open Salon competitions, which were judged by well-known artists and cultural commentators. 
He is still a practicing artist that works with photography and painting and exhibits internationally.

Charlie has been teaching in the UK, India and Rwanda for over ten years. His ability is not limited to teaching young and aspiring artists, for he has also been guest lecturing at the University of the Arts London and other schools and colleges in the UK.
Charlie has worked in Art Education in the UK, India and Africa for over ten years. His ability is not limited to teaching young and aspiring artists, for he has also been visiting lecture and tutor at the University of the Arts London, City of London school for Boys and other art institutes in the UK.

Charlie joined BACA in 2013 as part of the founding team for FAD and went on to develop the A-Level courses.
As a practicing artist and gallerist, he firmly believes that BACA offers the essential tools for any young creative person who wants to enter the Chinese or British art, design and media cosmos.
Much of his work has been enquiring the possibilities of creativity through education, curating, events, projects and creative development while promoting the arts to a wider audience.

Central Saint Martins


Baca Course
Photography teacher at A-Level

About Charlie Dutton
Like the UAL policy, Charlie is a strong believer for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. Charlie feels art ought to be available and accessible for everyone no matter your background or race and celebrating gender & LGBTQ rights and he has proven his ethos while working with children with special needs in the UK and working without prejudice in his exhibition curating as well as his teachings as an educator. He firmly believes that BACA offers a rounded and is an essential tool for any young creative person who wants to enter the Chinese or British art, design and media industry.