Baca Short Courses:
Age 13-15 years old

Baca kaskaskaskaska


Introduction to photography

Illustration is an important form of visual communication that holds a unique position in modern design, fashion, and visual arts due to its intuitive imagery, realistic sense of life, and captivating appeal. Illustration has been widely used in various fields of modern cultural life, including cultural activities, social welfare, commercial events, and film and television culture. The creation of illustrative art is typically exploratory, emphasizing observation, composition, and individual creativity. It also requires a certain level of drawing skills.

As one of the oldest forms of visual art expression, painting is typically a creative process that utilizes lines, tones, and various materials on paper or other surfaces. Painting works are visual expressions on a two-dimensional plane and are considered the foundation of visual arts practice, exerting a significant influence on the development of students’ creative thinking. Training in painting skills enables students to gain a deeper understanding of artistic principles, enhance their innovative abilities in artistic creation, and cultivate a strong aesthetic sense. In the short-term illustration course, we will learn the basic knowledge and techniques of different painting mediums, exercise visual thinking, creativity, and critical thinking, and create visually appealing and highly creative illustration works.

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Baca Blalalala


Painting for first time


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